More Packaging

Obviously an ocean theme here. The doll that goes with this image has a bunch of blue and red anchors on her dress so this is her background. I finally have a Real reason to be doing some BG’s in an Eyvind Earle style! Not that I need a reason of course. Heh.

8 Responses to “More Packaging”

  1. kevin Says:

    that’s a really cool piece dude

  2. joonasjoonas Says:

    kevin is right, it is really cool.

  3. Josh Parpan Says:

    These last two are amazing Hugo!

  4. victoriaying Says:

    wow, these packaging peices are fantastic!

  5. chickennuggets Says:

    awesome.The white highlights on the rocks under the birds double as poopie.

  6. that's hugo Says:

    Thanks guys. This piece was fun to do. Eyvind Earle was a mad man. All those rocks in the front look like they’re covered in the poopies. Sick.

  7. sarabeth Says:

    oh hugo. i absolutely love this!

  8. lovely!

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